A study on the major influential items of living condition affecting physical growth and development of school children 인문 · 사회과학편 : 청소년(靑少年)의 신체적발육발달(身體的發育發達)에 영향(影響)을 미치는 생활환경조건(生活環境條件)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
31(1) 7-27, 1992
A study on the major influential items of living condition affecting physical growth and development of school children 인문 · 사회과학편 : 청소년(靑少年)의 신체적발육발달(身體的發育發達)에 영향(影響)을 미치는 생활환경조건(生活環境條件)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
The purposes of this study were to clarify the characteristics of physical growth and development of children school and to clarify the major influential items of living conditions affecting their physical growth and development.
One thousands five hundred and eighty-five boys, ranging from 9 to 14 years of age, were used in this study. They were students of elementary and junior high schools in Chollabuk-Do. Six physique items, 15 physical fitness items, 44 items of living condition enquete about, which are clasified into the state of home life, play, exercise, the habit of food life, nutrition intake and hereditary influence, were measured or surveyed. Test and measurement were administered in March to May. 1991.
The results were summarized as following :
1) For the characteristics of physical growth and development of school children ; Muscular strength & fundamental motor skill tended to be at the same level as growth of physique elements. But, other elements of physical fitness, balance, flexibility, muscular endurance, agility and endurance, were at lower level than growth of physique elements.
2) For the degree of relationships among physique elements, physical fitness elements and the items of living condition ; The items of home life, nutrition intake and hereditary were found to be considerably important variables influencing physical growth of school children. The items of play and exercise were found to be considerably important variables influencing physical development of school children.
3) For the degree of relationships among physique elements, physical fitness elements and the state of living condition ; In the averaged correlation estimated by coefficient of concordance, nutrition intake was the most important variable influencing physical growth. Play and exercise was the most important variable influencing physical development.
4) For the degree of contributions of living condition to physique element and physical fitness element Home life showed the highest multiple correlation and degree of contribution with physical growth. Exercise showed the highest multiple correlation and degree of contribution with physical development.
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The influence of Hwarangdo's basis thoughts on Taekwondo 인문 · 사회과학편 : 화랑도(花郞道)의 근본사상(根本思想)이 태권도(跆拳道)에 미친 영향
31(1) 29-37, 1992
The influence of Hwarangdo's basis thoughts on Taekwondo 인문 · 사회과학편 : 화랑도(花郞道)의 근본사상(根本思想)이 태권도(跆拳道)에 미친 영향
So far we have studied the connection between Haarangdo's basci thoughts and Taekwondo. We Should acknowledge that Hwarangdo's spirit inherited that of three religion, the Confucianism, Buddhism and Zen Buddhism.
Though the three religions had an influence on the Hwarangdo's spirit, it had more of poongnyudo thoughts. The Hwarangdo spirit had a mixture of Shamanism and the 3 religions and the major reason of the Hwarangdo spirit being truly ours is that Poongnyudo thoughts contain morals.
The Poongnyudo thoughts in Hwarangdo is a realization of the traditional humanism in Taekwondo of Korea. In addition, it was the foundation of the patriotism in Takwondo.
The Shinchea thought regards the mind and the body as one and under the thought one strives to overcome oneself, thus enduring the hard training.
In this regards, we should succeed and develop the Hwarangdo spirit, not in terms of sport which sticks to struggle and competition only. It is urgent for us to cherish and pursue the Taekwondo spirit which contains Korean traditional thoughts.
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A study on materialistic thought of physical education effect according to Lesgaft 인문 · 사회과학편 : 레스가프트의 체육사상에 대하여
31(1) 39-44, 1992
A study on materialistic thought of physical education effect according to Lesgaft 인문 · 사회과학편 : 레스가프트의 체육사상에 대하여
In this research is put in force of socialism physical education system and materialistic thought of physical education effect according to Lesgaft. Also how much it has influence on his thought of physical education considers physical education of Soviet Union.
Reasons why we research for Lesgaft and perceived important man in physical education of Soviet Union are he is situated one of the most important man whose thought is base on materialistic.
There is also important point we have to mention about Lesgaft is the originator of physical edution system of the Soviet Union that has the starting point of physical education system.
Anatomy is major of Lesgaft and thought the anatomy he created physical education system for growing children or young students to helping development of the body.
Lesgaft, who is the originator of scientific physical education system. is seta high value on will of iron and never hold to social activities.
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Effect of Cardiovascular Health Program by utilizing PRECEDE Model on Adult's Knowledge related to Health Information , Attitudes , Pratices 인문 · 사회과학편 : PRECEDE 모형(模型)에 의한 심혈관 건강(健康) 프로그램이 성인(成人)의 건강정보에 대한 지식(知識)과 태도(態度) 및 습관(習慣)에 미치는 영향(影響)
31(1) 45-56, 1992
Effect of Cardiovascular Health Program by utilizing PRECEDE Model on Adult's Knowledge related to Health Information , Attitudes , Pratices 인문 · 사회과학편 : PRECEDE 모형(模型)에 의한 심혈관 건강(健康) 프로그램이 성인(成人)의 건강정보에 대한 지식(知識)과 태도(態度) 및 습관(習慣)에 미치는 영향(影響)
The purpose of this study was to verify the effects of the developmented health program(module) by utilizing PRECEDE(predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling causes in educational diagnosis and evaluation) Model on adult's knowledge related to health information, attitudes, practices. This study employed 120 male and female volunteers who are teaching in elementary school. They were divided into experimental groups and control groups, each group consisted of 30 subjects.
The experimental design of tie study utilized "the 2×2 Factorial ANOVA Design" conducted by the respected measurement two time(pre-test and post-test).
As the result of the data, the conclusions were as follow :
1. There were statistically significant effects of the health program(module) exposed to the experimental grouos on the higher means of knowledge score in the experimental groups than those in the control groups.
2. There were statistically significant effects of the health program(module) exposed to the experimental groups on the positive changes of their attitides.
3. There were significant changes on the practices of the health by doing the health program. therefore the developed health program formed the improved knowledge about the health and the desirable attitudes and practices.
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Individualism and Conservatism in Physical Education : Toward A Socially Critical Physical Education 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체육 교과교육 모형의 잠재적 이데올로기와 비판적 체육교육
31(1) 57-63, 1992
Individualism and Conservatism in Physical Education : Toward A Socially Critical Physical Education 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체육 교과교육 모형의 잠재적 이데올로기와 비판적 체육교육
The existing physical education curriculum models emphasize as their educational purposes only individual and personal aspects of physical education by leaving out and misconceiving the societal aspects of it. Through this emphasis on individual development, the image of physical education as a school subject has been molded into that of an instructional break time which has nothing too do with societal concerns such as class. gender, power. equality, opportunity, conflict, and resistance. As a significant result, students cannot recognize physical education as an important transformative agent for a more democratic and just society. Instead of being a vehicle for social transformation and change, the existing physical education curriculum models have supported the reproducation and maintenance of the status quo. That is, they have indirectly contributed to the reinforcement of the dominant ideology of te conservative ruling class by providing a means of social control.
The establishment of a physical education curriculum model in which the social reconstrucation orientation is promoted and encouraged is, therefore. necessary and urgent. A critical theory of physical education can provide the appropriate directions for this task. Such a critical theory challenges hitherto accepted tenets of schooling and physical education curriculum discourse and practice new principles and issues. The purpose of this study is to find such a form of critical physical education schooling. It begins by identifying the individualism and the conservatism imbedded in te existing physical curriculum models then moves to an analysis of how individually-oriented and socially conservative physical education has affected school practices and concludes with a proposal for a social critical physical education which can overcome the ideologies of individualism and conservatism implicit in the current dominant curriculum models of physical education.
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An Activation Plan of Sport for all Connected with Community Development 인문 · 사회과학편 : 지역사회개발과 연계한 사회체육의 활성화 방안
The paper is to explore an activation plan of sport for all closely connected with community development. To do it, we examined the relationship between the community development and sport for all through references and previous studies. Furthermore we surveyed and analyzed the current state of sport for all in Kwang Ju City and citizens consiousness of it.
The results of this study are as follows :
1. The Community development and Sport for all share functions such as the health and welfare of inhabitants, comfortable living environment, the increase of productivity, the improvement of human relationship, the formation of communal consciousness, etc. Therefore, they are closely connected with each other.
2. The current condition of sport for all in Kwangju city has been inferior to that of other cities in terms of the athletic facilities and members of associations or clubs for sport for all. Moreover, there have been several problems such as the centralization of public athletic facilities in particular regions the small-scale business of athletic facilities and the deficiency of athletic facilities for job sport.
3. In citizen's consciousness related to sport for all, there are many people recognizing that sport for all is necessary, whereas there are a few people satisfying the current condition and facilities of sport for all.
4. A strategy of the activation of sport for all closely conneted with the development of community is as follow :
1) In order to perform the welfare policy of community habitants efficiently, public organization commected with sport for all should recognize that the expansion of facilities for sport and leisure and the establishment of public sport park are very important in developing community
2) The expansion of sport facilities is a preferential task to activate sport for all. The plan of it should be made rationally in terms of the position form and norm of sport facilities by consulting with city planners, administrators and experts of sport.
3) Activation of job sport, related to increase productivity in community, should be done as a part of the development of community : In order to activate job sport, job sport club should be organized, various programs must promoted of community development. The way activation of job sport is that make up job sport conference, develop program and search the way that use leader.
4) To health and leisure of community inhabitants and workers activation of amature sport club is supported to became activation. To do it, function center of information is reinforced to understand and administration of status of sport club and may leaded that adult sport club and juvenile sport club are became setting up sisterhood relationship.
5) In formation of friendship and solidarity of community inhabitants and workers small size sport competition often have to play the game of region sport event. To do it, public finance is supported to program development and its diffusion as it is became a dimension of community development.
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A Study of Target in Marketing Strategy of Sports for all Clubs 인문 · 사회과학편 : 사회체육(社會體育) Club 의 Marketing 전략(戰略)에 관한 연구(硏究)
육조영JoYoungYok , 권운택WunTakKwon , 이영하YoungHaLee
31(1) 83-91, 1992
A Study of Target in Marketing Strategy of Sports for all Clubs 인문 · 사회과학편 : 사회체육(社會體育) Club 의 Marketing 전략(戰略)에 관한 연구(硏究)
육조영JoYoungYok , 권운택WunTakKwon , 이영하YoungHaLee
This study was an attempt to analyse the main factors when commercial tennis clubs select the target playing an important part of their marketing strategy. This two commercial tennis club were chosen which remarkable differ in the level of membership fee : Club SP charges a comparatively low membership fee and club DC charges a comperatively expensive on. The member of these two were compered with other. By way of a written questionnaire as regards their personal properties and views. 110samples were collected subsequently analyied. 45 from the members of club SP, the rest from the members of club DC.
The main results are as follows :
1. The two groups show remarkable differences in such demographic factors as income and occupation But they show little differences in factor about needs and views of sports.
2. As for opinions of the service provided in the tennis clubs, members of club SP tend to think highly practical factors such as the fee of membership and business hours of the club, where as membership of club DC tend to put an emphasis on marginal factors such as the quality of facilities and services.
These results show that it is necessary to consider not only income but occupation and opinions of the service for the traget selection of commercal tennis clubs.
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Investigative Study on the Sports - participation Styles of Workers 인문 · 사회과학편 : 직장인의 스포츠참여형태에 관한 연구
안영필YoungPilAn , 김장환JangHwanKim , 강은석EunShokKang
31(1) 93-106, 1992
Investigative Study on the Sports - participation Styles of Workers 인문 · 사회과학편 : 직장인의 스포츠참여형태에 관한 연구
안영필YoungPilAn , 김장환JangHwanKim , 강은석EunShokKang
At last, I conclude my study as follows :
1) At the preference for sports activities, the male show 66.1% and the female 39.3% in 'I like sports' item. And the management betion show 62.8%, the production section 54.79%.
2) Among their sports clubs, the inner company club has popularity. The result is 34.0% for the male and 40.8% for the female. And the reason why they partripate is because they make friends through the club. The result is 37.1% for the male and 33.4% for the female.
3) The major principle medium for the sports activities is mass media ; the result is 62.5% for the sex and 59.4% for the vocation. And the partner for the sports activities is friends ; the male 42.9%, the female 50.3%.
4) As for the reason why they participate in sports activities, the male has the purpose to develop his health firstly, 55.0%, and the fem to refresh her mood, 38.1%.
5) As for the kind of sports activitiss, the male select the physical exerc 34.2%, and the female, on-looking activity. 45.7%. And the management section preper on-looking activity 35.5%, the product section 36.0%.
6) The desirable direction for sports participation of workers is to develop the sports facilities ; the results are 31.9% for the male 41.4% for the female ; and 34.5% for the management section 34.5% for the production section.
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The Effect of the LOAD Lelvels of Goal FORCE and Goal Motion - time on FORCE VARIABILITY 인문 · 사회과학편 : 목표 힘의 부하 수준과 운동시간이 힘가변성에 미치는 영향
31(1) 107-114, 1992
The Effect of the LOAD Lelvels of Goal FORCE and Goal Motion - time on FORCE VARIABILITY 인문 · 사회과학편 : 목표 힘의 부하 수준과 운동시간이 힘가변성에 미치는 영향
The paper presents the effect of the load levels of goal force and goal motion-time on the variability of motion-subject force.
This study established 3 load levels of goal force〔9㎏(30%). 19㎏(65%). 27㎏(90%)〕 and 3 levels of goal motion-time[100ms. 300ms. and 500ms] based on 8 subjects. and then carried out an experiment of pulling a fixed handle to create a specific force. The methods of two-way variation analysis and subsequent t-verification with the average were used to calculate the load levels of goal force and goal motion-time to each condition.
with this study. following can be achieved:
1) force variability increase as the load Ievels of goal force grow.
2) force variability increase as goal motion-time grow.
3) The increase in the load levels of goal force and the goal motion-time results in the growth of force variability.
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An Acculturation Process of Physical Education between East and West : Acquaintance , Appropriation , and Transformation 인문 · 사회과학편 : 동 · 서체육의 문화적 전용과정 : 인지 , 수용 , 변용
31(1) 115-123, 1992
An Acculturation Process of Physical Education between East and West : Acquaintance , Appropriation , and Transformation 인문 · 사회과학편 : 동 · 서체육의 문화적 전용과정 : 인지 , 수용 , 변용
The purpose of this study was to trace the emergence of Eastern thought and practice in contemporary American physical education and sport during the past three decades. from 1953 to 1989.
A review and analysis was made of the contemporary literature on American physical education and sport which is related to Eastern thought and practice. In this study. a specific focus was to directed to the acculturation process of physical education and sport between East and West.
The following three distinctive acculturation stages were considered in the process of tracing Eastern emergence in contemporary American physical education and sport: acquaintance. appropriation. and transformation The first stage. acquaintance. in which Eastern ideas were iotntroduced into the field of American physical education and sport, took place from 1953-1967 During this time. American physical educators were introduced to the ideas and concepts of the East. For the first time. Zen practice was linked to the field of physicaleducation and sport in the form of a publication in English.
Eastern thought and practice were appropriated in the second stage, the period 1969-1982. It was during this period that the concepts of traditional American physical education and sport were discussed utilizing Eastern ideas. To some extents. these ideas were accepted. The so-called "Eastern Approach" was generally referred to as an alternative to the traditional approach to American physical education and sport. However, the pattern was not one of wholesale adoption. In a sense. it seemed that Westerners tried to use various Eastern techniques and insightsas tools and guides selectively to endevor existing issues they were facing.
The third stage began in 1983. In this stage, the pattern of perceiving the relevance of Eastern concepts and practices seems to have changed. A transformation is taking place, not a mere transplantation. That is, the "Americanization" of Eastern thought and practice seems to occur Here. some American physical educators are creatively synthesizing Eastern ideas and approaches with those of American physical education. for the purpose of integrating them into an American setting Thus they are contributing to the evolution of the both the nature and attitude of American physical education.
In conclusion. the effect of Eastern thought and practice emerged through the above three acculturation stages goes beyond simply spreading or proliferating. It extends the realm of theoretical development and stimulate newly envisioned theoretical orientation Those processes mark a new stage for American physical education in which Eastern concepts offer an alternative to the traditional Western paradigm.
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Positive analysis to the actual state and prospect for the personel demand - supply of instructor of physical education 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체육교사 인사수급의 (人事需給) 실태와 전망에 관한 실증적 분석
김창호ChangHoKim , 임태성TaeSeoungLim
31(1) 125-134, 1992
Positive analysis to the actual state and prospect for the personel demand - supply of instructor of physical education 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체육교사 인사수급의 (人事需給) 실태와 전망에 관한 실증적 분석
김창호ChangHoKim , 임태성TaeSeoungLim
The purpose of this study are to furnishing information on fixing their way of whom major in physical education and further to being a basis for determination for a folicy maker's intention in according to analyze the actual state of some premary factor and the prospect on the personnel demand-supply of physical education's instrutor of secondary school.
Therefore, in collecting the date of statistical annual report of education(1980∼1998) and applying an apt statistical technique by primary factors this study results as following :
1. The actual state and the prospect of the number of employment of structor has beend the decrease since 1980, and aiso will be same on until 1995 currently.
2. The number of retirement of instrutor has been on the decrease since 1980. and aiso, will be same on until 1995 continuously.
3. The budget of education has been increaseing since 1980, and aiso, will be same on until 1995 at the rate of same.
4. The number of secondary school's student has been grown almost at the rate of same until 1986 since 1980. but it will be on the decrease until. 1995 start from 1986.
5. The number of secondary school's student instrutor for physical education has been on the decrease since 1980, and will be on same, aiso, at the rate of the same continuously.
6. Although the number of gymnastics college applicant was at the rate of the same from 1980 to 1983, was increased rapidly until 1987 since 1983, and was decreased temporarily between 1988 and 1989, but increased again sharply in 1990, and will be increased until 1995 continuously.
7. The number of freshman of gymnastic college was on the increase at the rate of the same until 1987 since 1980, but was degreased temporarily in 1988 and 1989. However it will be increased until 1995 continuously.
8. The number of all the student of gymnastics college was decreased temporarily in 1981, but will be increased at the rate of same until 1995 continuously.
Though these results to be summarized conclusion that the dominant cause of on the decrease currently, but the cause of supply is increaseing rappidly. So that. it is so hard to expect the expansion employment for instructor of physical education and need urgently occupational conversion of whom majored in physical education with which of being accompanied with development a sheme of imployment expansion for physical education's instructor and the type of expert occupation.
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The Study of Mental Health Effect for Dance Adherence 인문 · 사회과학편 : 지속적인 무용활동의 정신건강 효과에 관한 연구
31(1) 135-140, 1992
The Study of Mental Health Effect for Dance Adherence 인문 · 사회과학편 : 지속적인 무용활동의 정신건강 효과에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to fine out the effect of mental health for dance adherence. For the purpose. 86 females majoring in dance and non-dance from 3 high school in Keung-gio. Were sampled and investigated their mental health with SCL-90-R test.
The statistical method to analyze collected data were t-test. The result from test in this study were as followings: The dance adherence group was significantly high in dimention of somatization(SOM) Obessive-ompusive(O-C). Depression(DEP). Phobic Anxiety-(PHOB). Paranoid Ideation(PAR). and Psychoticism(PSY) than non-dance group.
The above results were interpreted to indicate that dance adherence has great influence on the mental health.
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Modification and Maintenance of the Teaching Skills of Physical Education Teachers 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체육 교사의 교수 기능 수정과 유지 가능성에 관한 연구
31(1) 141-148, 1992
Modification and Maintenance of the Teaching Skills of Physical Education Teachers 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체육 교사의 교수 기능 수정과 유지 가능성에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility of modification and maintenance of teaching skills of physical education teachers. Specifically, the primary purpose of the present study was to examine whether verbal behaviors and demonstration behaviors of physical education teachers can be changed. Second major research question was to probe how long the changed target behaviors can be maintained following the termination of intervention.
Two subject teachers with different amount of teaching experience were selected from the same middle school. The beginning teacher had 2 years of teaching experiences and experienced teacher had 9 years of teaching experiences in middle schools. The target behaviors selected for modification were demonstration. positive/specific feedback and corrective/specific feedback. A multiple baseline design across behaviors or subjects was used to examine the experimental effectiveness of the intervention.
The results of this study suggested that behavioral modification procedures in natural setting can be used to bring about desired changes in the teaching performance of both beginning teachers and experienced teachers. The results also suggested that the modified teaching behaviors were highly maintained during maintenance period.
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A Study on the Physical Education Curriculum of the Gymnasium 5 - 11 School Year in Germany 인문 · 사회과학편 : 독일 Gymnasium 5 - 11 학년 체육과 교육과정에 관한 연구
31(1) 149-173, 1992
A Study on the Physical Education Curriculum of the Gymnasium 5 - 11 School Year in Germany 인문 · 사회과학편 : 독일 Gymnasium 5 - 11 학년 체육과 교육과정에 관한 연구
The purposes of this study are to analyze the curriculum of the physical education and to present some charicteristics of the organization of the physical education curriculum in Germany. This study have focused on the object, content and evaluation of the physical education curriculum.
The important implications of this study were following :
1. Among the teaching objectives, psychomotor domain was emphasized with respect to the general goal of the physical education while the psychomotor domain and cognitive domain were emphasized with respect to the instructional goal of the class activity.
2. The teaching content of the students was organized by there steps ; 5-6 school year, 7-11 school year, and 5-11 school year. According to the level of the students, the teaching contents were divided into basis course and advanced course.
3. More clearly, the teaching content consisted of theory and practice.
4. For the unit of activity content significant difference were not found between male and female. However, an individual sport had more time unit than a team sport. Especially, the summing class had a 23% of the total class time unit.
5. The evaluation of the activity content was also divided into theory and practice. But, the affective domain don't seem to evaluate.
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Analysis of Enquete for Sports Injuries in Sports Activity of Non - Athletes 인문 · 사회과학편 : 스포츠 교실 참여자의 스포츠 손상에 관한 조사 연구
오재근JaeKeunOh , 오일영IlYoungOh
31(1) 175-183, 1992
Analysis of Enquete for Sports Injuries in Sports Activity of Non - Athletes 인문 · 사회과학편 : 스포츠 교실 참여자의 스포츠 손상에 관한 조사 연구
오재근JaeKeunOh , 오일영IlYoungOh
There was no statistical datas or reports about evidence of sports injury and degrees of injury in sports activity of non-athletes. Also we don't have a precautionary measure and a rehabilitational program of sports injury in sports activity of non-athletes.
Then, in order to understand the actual pattern of sports injury in non-athletes, we analyzed the reply of questions for sports injury in sports activity of 314 non-athletes.
The results were as follows :
1. The rate injuries in male participants was slightly higher than that of female participants. The age of the injured participants ranged from 17 to 69 years and the most common age group was 4th decade.
2. 614 cases of injuries occured in 6 different disciplines of sports and injuries in gymnastics occured most frequently.
3. The average time of sports injury was 3.27 times(male) and 2.66 times(female) respectively.
4. The most common anatomical sites of injury were low back(16.5%), ankle, shoulder, knee, elbow.
5. The occurence of injury was recorded highest in the winter. in cloudy day and in exercise.
6. The indirect motives of sports injury were lack of insufficient warming-up and excessive exercise.
7. Most of the injured participants administered first aid by themselves.
8. The discontinuing period of an exercise and a game was mostly within 15 days.
9. The injured participants were treated by oriental medicine doctor or physical therapist and those treatments had best effects on them.
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The Effects of the Expertness of Parachutists on Reaction Time , Pulmonary Ventilation , and Anxiety Heart Rates 인문 · 사회과학편 : 고공강하 (高空降下) 숙련도(熟鍊度)가 반응속도(反應速度) , 폐기능(肺機能) 및 불안(不安) 심박수(心搏數)에 미치는 영향(影響)
31(1) 185-198, 1992
The Effects of the Expertness of Parachutists on Reaction Time , Pulmonary Ventilation , and Anxiety Heart Rates 인문 · 사회과학편 : 고공강하 (高空降下) 숙련도(熟鍊度)가 반응속도(反應速度) , 폐기능(肺機能) 및 불안(不安) 심박수(心搏數)에 미치는 영향(影響)
Key Words
A comparative analysis of the corporate fitness facilities and programs for promotion of employee's health and wellness of Korean and American business corporations 인문 · 사회과학편 : 한국과 미국 대기업체 임직원의 건강관리를 위한 시설 및 프로그램 비교연구
A comparative analysis of the corporate fitness facilities and programs for promotion of employee's health and wellness of Korean and American business corporations 인문 · 사회과학편 : 한국과 미국 대기업체 임직원의 건강관리를 위한 시설 및 프로그램 비교연구
The purpose of this study was to comparatively analyze the corporate fitness facilities and programs for promotion of employee's health and wellness. The data were collected from two sets of samples:l0 business corporations having over 500 employees for facilities and programs, and 331 employees from the corporations for health and wellness test. The suvey questionnaire for corporate fitness facilities and programs and the modified Test well questionnaire for employee's perception about health and wellness were used in collecting the data. The data for American corporations and employees were obtained from the previous studies and the related literature.
The results of the study can be summarized as follows:
1. 60% of Korean corporations provided table tennis facilities in the buildings, however no corporations provided outside fitness facilities. While all the American corporations provided the various facilities for employee's health inside and outside buildings such as fitness and health rooms, shower rooms. inside and outside tracks. gymnasium. inside courts. and swimming pools.
2. Korean corporations held corporate sports contests as a corporate fitness program once or twice a year. while American corporations implemented the various health promotion programs throughout the year such as exercise prescription. diet, quitting smoking. stress reduction. and health education.
3. Korean employee's perception about health and wellness was under average in nutrition area, and in poor condition in physical fitness, health care. emotion control, and job aspiration area when compared with American employees.
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A study on the factors influencing job satisfaction among Massport Leaders 인문 · 사회과학편 : 사회체육(社會體育) 지도자(指導者)의 직무만족요인(職務滿足要因)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 서울시(市)를 중심(中心)으로 -
김상구SangKuKim , 오일영IlYoungOh
31(1) 211-218, 1992
A study on the factors influencing job satisfaction among Massport Leaders 인문 · 사회과학편 : 사회체육(社會體育) 지도자(指導者)의 직무만족요인(職務滿足要因)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 서울시(市)를 중심(中心)으로 -
김상구SangKuKim , 오일영IlYoungOh
The goal of this study is to reveal what are the significant factors to influence job satisfaction according to the population characteristics. based on the job satisfaction factors to be classified by E.A Locke. The sample consisted of 120 employees engaged in twelve other synthetic sport Center in Seoul. and the random sampling method was adopted.
The result of this study are as follows.
1. According to the age. job satisfaction is a significant difference. The job. promotion. recognition. fringe benefits. educational environment and company management are significant factors.
2. According to the sex and Academic level. job satisfaction has a significant difference.
3. According to the marital status. job satisfaction is not significant.
4. According to the job position. job satisfaction and other fuctors have significant difference.
5. According to the terms of their service. job satisfaction has a significant difference.
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Biomechanical studies on characteristic and estimation of kicking velocity in Taekwondo 자연과학편 : 태권도(跆拳道)의 발차기 속도측성(屬島特性) 및 발차기 속도추정(速度推定)에 관한 생체역학적(生體力學的) 연구(硏究)
31(1) 219-227, 1992
Biomechanical studies on characteristic and estimation of kicking velocity in Taekwondo 자연과학편 : 태권도(跆拳道)의 발차기 속도측성(屬島特性) 및 발차기 속도추정(速度推定)에 관한 생체역학적(生體力學的) 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study was to estimate the kicking velocity of Taekwondo from the velocity in the pulling inertial wheel. For this purpose, we calculated the leg extension velocity of the pulling inertial wheel and estimated the kicking velocity in Taekwondo by means of the measurement of the leg extension force. filming of the pulling motion in the pulling inertial wheel and filming of the kicking motion in Taekwondo. A significant correlation(r=.938, p<.001) was observed between the estimation velocity in the pulling inertial wheel and the maximum relative velocity of the ankle joint of the kicking leg in Taekwondo. Therefore, we suggest that the measurement of the velocity in the pulling inertial wheel by the leg extension may evaluate the leg extension ability and the speed kicking with high objectivity.
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Examination of indicators for anaerobic capacity 자연과학편 : 무산소성 능력의 측정지표에 관한 연구
김기진KiJinKim , 안의수EuiSooAhn
31(1) 229-236, 1992
Examination of indicators for anaerobic capacity 자연과학편 : 무산소성 능력의 측정지표에 관한 연구
김기진KiJinKim , 안의수EuiSooAhn
Key Words
A Kinematic Analysis of Flic flac - Flic flac - Salto Backward stretched Motion on Balance beam 자연과학편 : 평균대에서 연속 손짚고 뒤돌아 몸펴 뒤 공중 돌기 동작에 관한 Kinematic 분석
31(1) 237-248, 1992
A Kinematic Analysis of Flic flac - Flic flac - Salto Backward stretched Motion on Balance beam 자연과학편 : 평균대에서 연속 손짚고 뒤돌아 몸펴 뒤 공중 돌기 동작에 관한 Kinematic 분석
The performances of Flic flac-flic flac-Salto Backward stretched motion on the Balance beam was analyzed.
The subjects were 4 female athletic of korean national gymnatic team.
This study was aimed 1) To collect data of elite athletes which shall be used as a reference for training middle class athletes, 2) To find out weak points of individual subject, 3) To correct weak points and make the best performance.
Following are the results of this study.
1. Flic flac-Flioc flac-Salto Backward streched motion had a rythm as 2-1-1-1(2) when 180 degree revolution time is used as a unit.
2. The horizontal transient distance of subject C and D were different between hand touch and toe touch.
3. In the view of C.O.G. movement pattern. subjects A and B performed Flic flac-Flic flac more effectively than C and D. subject D performed the best Salto Backward stretched in 4 subject.
4. Subject B flexed shoulder instantaneously when touch the beam with her toe
5. Subject A and B flexed their knee just before touch the beam with toe.
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A Biomechanical Study of Snatch Motion in Weight Lifting 자연과학편 : 역도 인상동작에 관한 생체역학적 연구
31(1) 249-259, 1992
A Biomechanical Study of Snatch Motion in Weight Lifting 자연과학편 : 역도 인상동작에 관한 생체역학적 연구
Analyze biomechanical variables in te snatch motion of weight lifting, measured the snatch motion by two high speed cameras and force plate form with six players of korean national team as samples.
An analysis of biomechanice factors when the exeminees snatch their highest record. The results as follow.
1. After barbells lifted in the snatch motion, the bar was not straightly pulled and moved to the right.
2. The affects the adjustment of bar height and causes the spinning of barbell when used wrist joint. And it became important factor of snatch performance.
3. Lifting barbell by using the elbow joint at the initial period of the first pull caused the obstruction factor of bar acceleration at the second pull.
4. The amount of ground reaction force was stand up plase bigger than second pull phase and initial of stand up phase recorded maximum force from 1.4times(F) to 3times(A) of the weight.
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A study on the cardio - respiratory functions of elementary , middle and high school female students 자연과학편 : 여자 초 · 중 · 고등학생의 심폐기능에 관한 연구
31(1) 261-272, 1992
A study on the cardio - respiratory functions of elementary , middle and high school female students 자연과학편 : 여자 초 · 중 · 고등학생의 심폐기능에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the differences between grades in cardioraspiratory variables of elementary, middle and high school female student.
Using direct gas-collecting method(Douglas bag). 33 subjects(each grade 11) performed maximal treadmill work with Bruce protocol to examine VO₂ max and other aerobic capacity.
In statistical analysis, oneway-ANOVA was procedured for comparing and analyzing the differences between grades.
From the upper statistical procedure. results was made as follows:
1. Maximal oxygen uptake(VO₂ max)
There were significant VO₂ max difference between elementary, middle and high school student(1.41, 1.65, 1.86l /min : p<0.0l). Duncan follow-up testing( α =0.05) that there were significant difference between elementary and high school, but no significant difference between elementary and middle, middle and high school students.
2 Maximal oxygen uptake in relation to body weight(VO₂ max/㎏)
There were significant difference between elementary. middle and high school student(46.1, 34.7, 34.9㎖/㎏ /min : P<0.01). Duncan follow-up testing( α=0.05) that there were significant difference between elementary and middle, elementary and high. school. but no significant difference between middle and high school students.
3. Maximal oxygen uptake in relation to lean body mass(VO₂ max/㎏-LBM)
There were significant difference between elementary. middle and high school student(62.0, 51.6, 38.8㎖/㎏ /min : P<0.001). Duncan follow-up testing ( α =0.05) that there were significant difference between elementary, middle and high school students.
4. Maximal ventilation(V₁)
There were significant difference between elementary. middle and high school student(58.2, 74.7, 74.5ℓ/min : P<0.01). Duncan follow-up testing ( α =0.05) that there were significant difference between elementary and middle. elementary and high sochool students. but no significant difference between middle and high school students.
5. Ventilation equivalent(V₁ /VO₂)
There were no significant difference between elementary. middle and high school student(41.8, 46.1, 41.4. : p =. 15).
6. Oxygen pulse(O₂ pulse)
There were significant difference between elementary. middle and high school student(7.3, 8.2, 9.4㎖/beat P<0.05)Duncan follow-up testing( α =0.05) that were significant difference between elementary and middle. elementary and high school student,. but no significant difference between middle and high school students.
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The Study on Teacher's Participation in Sport Activities 자연과학편 : 교사(敎師)의 스포츠참여유형(參與類型)에 관한 조사연구(調査硏究)
31(1) 273-283, 1992
The Study on Teacher's Participation in Sport Activities 자연과학편 : 교사(敎師)의 스포츠참여유형(參與類型)에 관한 조사연구(調査硏究)
This study is an approach of empirical analysis of Teachers paticipation in sports Activities. I administered a questionnaire method to reveal their consciousness and degree of paticipation in sports activites. The following are conclusions after credible statistic verification.
(1) Teachers tended to think positive of sports.
(2) Football was the most favorite item of sports 19.6%, Mountain Climbing 18.9%, male Teachers are Football 23.8%, Mountain climbing 19.0%, female teachers are Mountain climbing, Table Tennis, Swimming 18.5%, Most subjects wanted to take port in individual events of Table Tennis 22.5%, Swimming 18.0%, Mountain climbing 12.4%. Baseball 42.3% was favored as spectator sports. Teachers enjoying of sports activities 60.9% of their fellow workers and tended to have fitness exercise.
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A Biomechanical Study on the Three Dimensional Segment Movement of Three Open Link Segment System in Golf Swing 자연과학편 : 골프스윙동작(動作)의 운동학적(運動學的) 분석(分析)
31(1) 285-300, 1992
A Biomechanical Study on the Three Dimensional Segment Movement of Three Open Link Segment System in Golf Swing 자연과학편 : 골프스윙동작(動作)의 운동학적(運動學的) 분석(分析)
Golf down swing was interpreted throught three dimensional image analysis, it means that most down swings are in concord with the two dimensional interpretation up to 95%. But in the angular movement there is big difference between the skilled and unskilled before impact and direction of club head. This was not discovered in two dimensional analysis. (Club head shows the difference of 15rad/sec(50%) between the skilled and unskilled to the direction of central axis before impact. It influences the movement of club head. To interpret down swing three segment model is used. By doing so the relationship among upper trunk. arm and hand joint movement which could not be interpreted in the two dimensional segment was investigated. The skilled showed bigger value of velocity, angular velocity comparing with the unskilled. The earlier value of the angular velocity shows that the unskilled have bigger value tan the skilled. The increase is faster to the side of the skilled The size of the angular velocity generated in each segment is bigger to the skilled than the unskilled But the angular velocity to the wrist is bigger for the unskilled. Accordingly the golf is chiefly generated by the wrist.
The training of the unskilled through golf down swing must be practiced laying emphases upon the retaining of movement. the enforcement of wrist movement, the revolving to the central axis of club at the moment of impact and trunk, arm and wrist must be on the short moment of the fastest velocity of acceleration.
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The effect of 12 weeks Circuit Weight Training on Body fat , Heart rate and Strength 자연과학편 : 12주(週) Circuit Weight Training 이 체지방(體脂肪) , 심박수(心拍數) 및 근력(筋力)에 미치는 효과(效果)
31(1) 301-312, 1992
The effect of 12 weeks Circuit Weight Training on Body fat , Heart rate and Strength 자연과학편 : 12주(週) Circuit Weight Training 이 체지방(體脂肪) , 심박수(心拍數) 및 근력(筋力)에 미치는 효과(效果)
The purpose of this study was to observe the effects of 12 weeks circuit weight training(C.W.T. The 45 healthy male students of H university at choon Chon city are randomly selected as subjects.
The procedure of this experiment are as follows 45 subjects are devided into three groups G-I(C.W.T. 20 reps.) G-2(C.W.T. 15 reps)G-3(Weight training)
All groups trained for 12 week : Monday Wednesday. friday During each workout following lifts are used Bench pres. Barbell curl. Standing press. Pull-over. Squat. Lat pull-down. Lying triceps extension sit-up Each training time is about 35∼40 minutes. The conclusion were as follows:
1 . Body height. body weight and body composition measure results of before and after training.
Body height did not change significantly in all three groups. body weight did not increase significantly G-1 and G-2 but G-3(+2.28㎏) Increased significantly (P<0.05) Skinfold. % fat, and body fat did not decrease significantly In all three groups Lean body mass did not increase significantly in G-1 and G-2 but G-3(+ 2.34㎏) increased significantly(P<0.05).
2. Heart rate measure results of before and after training.
Rest heart rate did not decrease significantly in G-3 but G-1(-5.76 beats/min) and G-2(-3.11 beats/min) decreased significantly(P<0.001).
3. strength measure results of before and after training.
Grip strength. Back strength. Bench press. Squat. Standing press and Barbell curl increased significantly(P< 0.001) in G-1, G-2 and G-3.
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The Analysis of the Success Rate of Landing in Vaulting - Centering on the Males - 자연과학편 : 도마경기(跳馬競技)의 착지(着地) 성공률(成功率)에 관(關)한 분석(分析) - 남자선수(男子選手)를 중심(中心)으로 -
31(1) 313-320, 1992
The Analysis of the Success Rate of Landing in Vaulting - Centering on the Males - 자연과학편 : 도마경기(跳馬競技)의 착지(着地) 성공률(成功率)에 관(關)한 분석(分析) - 남자선수(男子選手)를 중심(中心)으로 -
This thesis is a study on the success rate of the landing part of the vault performance parts-such as Approach, take-off, Pre-flight, Horse contact, Post-flight, Landing- as the subjects of this study, intended for 24athletes who were superior in their records in a first game(collective game) and were participating in a third game(final game by events) among athletes who had participated in the 24th Seoul Olympic Games in 1988. the 11th Asian Games in 1990, and the 26th World Gymnastics Championships in 1991.
As a result of its study and analysis, the following conclusion could he taken.
1) Landing success rate as the competitions.
It was shown that the success rate of landing in gymnastics was 75% in the 24th Seoul Olympic Games in 1988, 71.3% in the 11th Asian Games in l990. and 72.5% in the 26th World Gymnastics Championships in 1991. Therefore. it was revealed that the success rate of landing in gymnastics is the highest in the 24th Seoul Olympic Games in 1988.
2) Landing success rate as performances.
It was shown that even though Handspring and double salto forward tucked performance was carried out three times in three competitions, the success rate of landing was lowest at 0%. And it was revealed that when Cuervo stretched performance was carried out thirteen times in three competitions, the success rate of landing was highest at 89.2%.
3) Landing success rate as an attitudes.
It was shown that when tucked-type performance were carried out nine times, success rate of landing was 51.2%. And it was revealed that picked-type performance was carried out five times, the success rate of landing was 68%. It was shown that when stretched-type performance was carried out thirty-four times, the success rate of landing was 79.5%. And it was shown that the stretched-type performance was carried out more that the tucked-type and picked-type performances, and its success rate of landing was higher that of the latter two types of performances.
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A Study on Oxygen uptake and Heart Rate in Static working posturos 자연과학편 : 정적자세(靜的姿勢)에 있어서 심박수(心拍數) 및 산소섭취량(酸素攝取量)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
31(1) 321-326, 1992
A Study on Oxygen uptake and Heart Rate in Static working posturos 자연과학편 : 정적자세(靜的姿勢)에 있어서 심박수(心拍數) 및 산소섭취량(酸素攝取量)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
This experimental study was designed to see and to predict oxygen uptake and heart rate in static working postures of male.
The results based on this composative analysis were as follows:
1. There did not exist a near relationship between heart rate and oxygen uptake in the case of static working postures.
2. Oxygen uptake and heart rate seems to depend on the postural characteristics rather than the static workload.
3. Eeart rate and oxygen uptake was not sufficient as a siagle physiologican measure of the static workload.
4. The lowest heart rate was found in squatting, or in sitting posture, whareas the lowest oxygen uptake was found in sitting posture.
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The study on determined the 31p Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of High Energy Phosphrus Metabolism and PH intracellular threshold in muscle 자연과학편 : 31p Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 을 이용한 근육세포내의 고에너지 인 ( P ) 대사와 PH 역치 결정
성기홍KiHongSeong , 이덕분DuckBoonLee
31(1) 327-338, 1992
The study on determined the 31p Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of High Energy Phosphrus Metabolism and PH intracellular threshold in muscle 자연과학편 : 31p Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 을 이용한 근육세포내의 고에너지 인 ( P ) 대사와 PH 역치 결정
성기홍KiHongSeong , 이덕분DuckBoonLee
31p NMR Spectroscopy study was performed in 5 elite athletes of used the upper limbs muscle
The study was changed of phosphrus high energy metabolisim and PH-iT of the forearm muscles in relation to the stepwise exercise.
The results were:
1. PH of varition was MVC 1% 7.022±0.018 and MVC 5% 7.038±0.021 of rest in significant(p<0.05). PH of all out was MVC 1% 6.837±80.054 and MVC 5% 6.96±0.159 in significant(p<0.05). PH of after 3 minute all out was MVC 1% 6.883±0.076 and MVC 5% 5.836±0.152 significant(p<0.05).
2. Pi/Pcr of variation was MVC 1% 0.145±0.028 and MVC 5% 0.142±0.025 in significant(p<0.05). Pi/Pcr of all out was MVC 1% 1.142±0.445 and MVC 5% 2.743±0.741 in significant(p<0.05). Pi/Pcr after 3 minute all out was MVC 1% 0.089±0.033 and MVC 5% 0.090±0.053 in no significant(p< 0.05)
3. PH-iT determined was MVC 1% 6.988±0.650 and MVC 5% 6.927±0.058 in significant(p >0.05). PH-iT Time was MVC 1% 8.32±0.31 minute and was MVC % 3.2+0.08%, MVC 5% 5.48±0.99minute was MVC % 6+0.99%. Pi/Pcr-iT determined MVC 1% 0.352±0.087 and MVC 5% 0.712±0.34minute in significant(p<0.05). Pi/Per-iT was MVC, 1% 8.62+0.24minute and was MVC 5% 2.6±0.72. MVC 5% 5.12±0.11minute was MVC % 7.0±0.18.
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Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Plasma Lipid and Lipoprotein 자연과학편 : 유산소성 운동이 혈중 지질 및 지단백 콜레스테롤에 미치는 영향
31(1) 339-347, 1992
Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Plasma Lipid and Lipoprotein 자연과학편 : 유산소성 운동이 혈중 지질 및 지단백 콜레스테롤에 미치는 영향
The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of aerobic exercise on plasma lipid and lipoprotein-lipid profiles(total-cholesterol, HDL-C, TC/HDL.-C, LDL-C, triglyxceride) in healthy women.
Subjects of the study were seleted of twenty-four(24) female university students, and were assigned to one of two group : experimental group consisted of fourteen(14) subjects and control group contained ten(10) subjects. The aerobic exercises were done by experimental group for twenty minutes per each day, 3 days per week for 12 weeks. The blood analysis was conducted in Korea Medical Institute, Seoul Korea. The statisics empolyed in the study was t-test. Significance level was P<.05. The conclusion through the materials of analysis was as follows ;
(1) Aerobic exercise affects significantly on the decrease of T-C concentration in blood.
(2) Aerobic exercise affects significantly on the increase of HDL-C concentration in blood.
(3) Aerobic exercise affects significantly on the decrease of LDL-C concentration in blood.
(4) Aerobic exercise affects significantly on the decrease of T-C/HDL-C in blood.
(5) Aerobic exercise doesn't affect on T-G(TG) concentration in blood.
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A Study about Exercise precription for Improving Hypertension 자연과학편 : 고혈압 개선을 위한 운동 처방 연구
31(1) 349-356, 1992
A Study about Exercise precription for Improving Hypertension 자연과학편 : 고혈압 개선을 위한 운동 처방 연구
Most patients with hypertension are suffering from essential hypertension, which sometimes becomes borderline hypertension, and morbidity will increase more and more.
This hypertension becomes a cause of death due to complications such as cerebral hemorrhage. heart and kidney diseases, and so it is necessary for the country to inform its people of cure effects for this condition through exercise precription among non-medicine therapies
I obtained the folling results by researching into exercise precription, which was based on book and treatises, to improving hypertension.
1. As to exercise intensity, scholars opinions varies, but while intensity over 70% V´o₂max, turned out to be generally ineffective, that of 50% V´o₂max was helpful. There for, light exercise intensity can be encourged.
2. As to kind of exercise. isotonic as aerobic exercise is advisible, and it must be done for average 1,200 minutes three times a week as sixty minutes per each time.
Base on these results, the observations about the effects of relieving pressure with sex, age, weight, exercise intensity, and duration must be made continually in cooperation with doctors and physical specialists.
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A research of the method of all - round development of physical fitness through Weight Training 자연과학편 : Weight Training 을 통한 전면적(全面的) 체력육성(體力育成) 방법(方法)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
31(1) 357-365, 1992
A research of the method of all - round development of physical fitness through Weight Training 자연과학편 : Weight Training 을 통한 전면적(全面的) 체력육성(體力育成) 방법(方法)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
In this research, as the method of all-round development of physical fitness, the effects of Interval Weight Training which added Interval Training to Weight Training are described.
The results from the eight weeks training three times a week, to see the improving effect on muscle strength. power and Cardiorespiratory, are as followed.
1. In the improvement of muscle strength, there is a significant difference(p<0.01) between pre-test and post-test.
2. In the aspect of power, there is a significant difference(p<0.01).
3. In the aspect of Cardiorespiratory. there is no big difference in H.R max, but Heart Rate is very decreased.
4. In V_B BTPS, there is no big difference. but in VO´ max/㎏, there is a significant difference(p<0.0l)
5. In the amount of Lactic Acid in all out, there is no significant difference between pre-test and post-test.
Key Words
Relationship between Athletes' State Anxiety of Pre - Game and Attention Concentration - Focusing upon the University Male Athletes - 자연과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)들의 시합전(試合前) 상태불안(狀態不安)과 주의집중력(注意集中力)과의 관계(關係) - 대학(大學) 남자선수(男子選手)들을 중심(中心)으로 -
31(1) 367-384, 1992
Relationship between Athletes' State Anxiety of Pre - Game and Attention Concentration - Focusing upon the University Male Athletes - 자연과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)들의 시합전(試合前) 상태불안(狀態不安)과 주의집중력(注意集中力)과의 관계(關係) - 대학(大學) 남자선수(男子選手)들을 중심(中心)으로 -
The paper verified the difference between stag anxiety of pre-game and attention concentration according to athletic ability(Elite Athletes & Non-Elite Athletes Group) and athletic career(High : 30%, Middle : 40%, Low Group:30%)-the subject of this study were randomly selected from the university male athletes)(N=147) in teams(ice hockey : N=15, rugby : N=24, volleyball : N=16, basketball : N=16, soccer : N=28. baseball : N= 30) and individual events(gymnastics : N=8명. judo : N=l0명 ), and also analyzed the attention concentration of the respective athletes on the level of state anxiety(high : 33%, Middle : 33%. Low Group : 33%).
State anxiety inventory was measured by Spielberger's SAI(state Anxiety Inventory) and attention concentration by d₂-test.
The results of the study is as follows;
1. According to athletic ability level, Elite Athletes Group showed lower state anxiety scores of pre-game and better attention concentration than Non-Elite Athletes Group. T-test analysis of the results revealed significant difference statistically(SAI : P<.05, d₂-test: P<.0l).
2. According to athletic career level, High Group showed lowest state anxiety scores than Middle & Low Group in SAI and best attention concentration than the others in d₂-test. One-WAY ANOVA analysis of the results revealed significant difference statistically(SAI : P<.01, d₂-test : P<.001).
3. according to state anxiety level, the High Group of state anxiety showed remarkably worst attention concentration than Middle & Low Group. ONE-Way ANOVA analysis of the results revealed significant difference statistically(P<.01). On the other hand, the result from statistically analyzing simple correlation presented positive correlation(r=.2684, P<.001).
Key Words
Effects of Change of IEMG of Longissmus . Dorsi . Muscles by Giving Shout and Competition in Mearement of Back Muscular Strength 자연과학편 : 배근력(背筋力) 측정시(測時) 기합(氣合)과 경쟁(競爭) 부여(賦與)가 최장근(最長筋)의 근전위 (筋電位) 변화(變化)에 미치는 효과(效果)
31(1) 385-390, 1992
Effects of Change of IEMG of Longissmus . Dorsi . Muscles by Giving Shout and Competition in Mearement of Back Muscular Strength 자연과학편 : 배근력(背筋力) 측정시(測時) 기합(氣合)과 경쟁(競爭) 부여(賦與)가 최장근(最長筋)의 근전위 (筋電位) 변화(變化)에 미치는 효과(效果)
The purpose of this study is to measure the effects on IEMG by giving shout and competition, and to provide the information of the study with the athletic leaders and coaches.
The subjects of this study consist of three groups(Shout. Competition. Control Groups) of 18 persons : they are from 17 to 19 ages, who are exposed to similar variable control environment.
Subjects were tested first of chance of EMG for longissmus M. by EMG in measurement Back Strength Dynamometer of pre-treatment, following by 30min rest and then twice of post-treatment by giving Shout & Competition.
Before and after giving shout competition. the measuring result compared and analyzed within and between groups.
The results were as follows:
1. The changes of IEMG of Longissmus M. by giving Shout and Competition in measurement back strength showed significant difference pre & post treatment within Shout and Compertition Groups(P<0.05).
2. The comparison among groups are not significant difference changes of IEMG by giving Shout and Competition.
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The Study on Medel to Improvement of Cardiovascular Endurance by Using Stepping Box 자연과학편 : Stepping Box 를 이용한 심폐지구력 향상 방안에 관한 Model 연구 (Ⅰ)
31(1) 391-407, 1992
The Study on Medel to Improvement of Cardiovascular Endurance by Using Stepping Box 자연과학편 : Stepping Box 를 이용한 심폐지구력 향상 방안에 관한 Model 연구 (Ⅰ)
The purpose of this study is to inestigate model to improvement of cardiovascular endurance by using step ping box and to provide these information to the obese & nonobese persons. The subjects for this study consist of bese(OTG : 6persons) and nonobese training groups(NOTG : 6 persons). They are from 23 to 26 ages. who are similar to the variable control. The OTG were decided higher than 50% obesity percent by adjudication fomular of obesity and NOTG were derided lower than 5%.
The subjects of obese & nonobese training groups was to establishment of loads among stepping box heights(30㎝. 35㎝. 40㎝. 45㎝. 50㎝. 55㎝, 60㎝) by Latin-Square method.
They were tested first times by 50㎝-stepping box test before training, second times after 4weeks training. and third times after 8weeks training to see changes of heart rate(rest, during exercise, recovery) by using IXPE 3000 Training System.
The analyzed and compared changes of heart rate after stepping box training for 8weeks by using loads of stepping box programs 〔5times/week, 4sets/day. 5min/set, rest : 3min/set. 1 week : 30㎝, 2week : 35㎝. 3week 40㎝, 4week : 45㎝. 5week : 50㎝, 6week : 55㎝. 7week : 60㎝. 8week : 60㎝(5 set/day)〕. The results are as follows:
1. Rest Heart Rate
In the OTG showed significantly after 4week & after 8week training than before training at P<0.01, and after 8week than after weeks at P<0.01. while in the NOTG was showed significantly after 4week than after before training & after 8week than after 4weeks training at p<0.05, and after 8week than before training at P<0.05. Trend analysis in the OTG & NOTG was changed linear trend with heart rate and periods of training at p<0.001.
The comparison between OTG & NOTG showed significantly OTG than NOTG at P<0.001.
2. Heart Rate during Exercise
In the OTG & NOTG showed significantly after 4week & 8week training than before training, and after 8week than after 4weeks training at p<0.01.
Trend analysis in the OTG & NOTG was changed linear trend with heart rate and periods of training(OTG:P<0.001, NOTG:P<0.05).
The comparison between OTG & NOTG showed significantly OTG than NOTG at P<0.001.
3. Recovery Heart Rate
In the OTG was showed significantly after 4week & 8week training than before training at P<0.001, and after 8week than after 4week training at p<0.05, but in the NOTG was showed significantly after 8week than before training at p<0.05, while after 4week than before training and after 8week than 4week training are not significant.
Trend analysis in the OTG & NOTG was changed linear trend with heart rate and periods of training(OTG p<0.001, NOTG:p<0.05).
The comparison between OTG & NOTG appeared significantly OTG than NOTG at P<0.001.
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The Effects of Megavitamin E Supplementation on Changes of Serum Cholesterol and Cardiopulmonary Function 자연과학편 : 고단위 비타민 E제 투여가 혈청콜레스테롤 및 심폐기능 개선에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Megavitamin E Supplementation on Changes of Serum Cholesterol and Cardiopulmonary Function 자연과학편 : 고단위 비타민 E제 투여가 혈청콜레스테롤 및 심폐기능 개선에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of megavitamin E supplementation on changes of serum components and cardiopulmonary Function.
1. The subjects of this study were 30 Rugby Football players of high school. And they were randomly assigned to three groups as follows : Supplemental gorups were ingested 400IU/day and 1000IU/day of d-αtocopherol during 60 days. Control group was ingested Placebo during 60 days.
2. The results were summarized as follows:
1) The values of serum α-Tocopherol were significantly(P<0.05) increased in 1000IU group after 60days comparing to the pretreatment levels, And these were decreased after post treatment. But, this was not significant difference.
2) The valves of serum Total Cholesterol were significantly(P<0.05) decreased in all groups after 60 days comparing to the pretreatment levels And. the values of serum HDL-C were significantly(P<0.05) increased in all groups after 60days comparing to the pretreatment levels. But, these results were not significant differences among three groups.
3) The values of serum Triglyceride were decreased in all groups after 30days and 60days comparing to the pretreatment levels. And, these were increased in all groups after post-treatment. But. these results were not significant differences between treatment groups and dosing times.
4) V˙O₂ max and All-out-time were significantly(P<0.05) increased in all groups after 60 days comparing to the pre treatment levels. And, these were decreased in all groups after post treatment. But, these results were not significant differences among 3 groups.
5) V˙Emax was significantly(P<0.05) in creased in 1000IU group after 60 days. And, this was decreased in 1000IU group after post treatment. But, these results were not significantly differences between 400IU group and 1000IU group.
6) HR at rest. HRmax. and RRmax were not significant differences between treatment groups and dosing times.
In summary, serum HDL- Cholesterol was increased and V˙O₂max All-Out time. and V˙Emax were improved. But. these were not significant differences among treatment groups. And. the effects of training and psychological factor were not excepted in this study. Therefore. these results were unable to confirm the ergogenic effects of the megavitamin E to improve the cardiopulmonary function.
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The study about psychological effects with the exertion of muscular strength of T & DT group 자연과학편 : 태권도(跆拳道) 수련생(修練生)과 일반학생(一般學生)의 근력(筋力) 발휘시(發揮時) 심리적(心理的) 효과(效果)에 미치는 영향(影響)
조근종KeunChongCho , 강사민SaMinKang
31(1) 421-428, 1992
The study about psychological effects with the exertion of muscular strength of T & DT group 자연과학편 : 태권도(跆拳道) 수련생(修練生)과 일반학생(一般學生)의 근력(筋力) 발휘시(發揮時) 심리적(心理的) 효과(效果)에 미치는 영향(影響)
조근종KeunChongCho , 강사민SaMinKang
The purpose of this study was to determine the Psychological effects through M.V.C of trainee and Detrainee.
For investigation, 10 trainees and 10 Detrainee were randomly selected in a high school.
I.E.M.G and M.V.C were measured under the patterns(M.V.C, Shout) of Psychological effects.
The Following Conclusion were obtained through the Present Study
1) In comparision with the muscular strength of DT-group that of T-group in M.V.C was measured by 59.04㎏ and when shout was added to M.V.C that of T-group is measured by 66.08㎏. Based on above facts, the increased muscular strength was showed in both group with shout but the significantly increased muscular strength appeared in a T-group with shout.
2) I.E.M.G of T-group in M.V.C with shout was decreased from 1.454㎷ to 1.363㎷ but that of DT-group with same condition was increased from 1.42㎷ to 1.49㎷. As above result. the real absolute value in T-group was greater that of DT-group while muscular electric discharge of ration in T-group was smaller that of DT-group. Therefore above facts indicated that the muscular efficiency was better in T-group compared with DT-group.
3) The muscular strength enforced by training in considered as the development of its own function but what is more important fact is regard as the higher level of Psycho-up.
4) During M.V.C the effect of shout is considered as being measured by the differences of quantitative analysis with training career.
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Changes of a - vO2 on maximal exercise in athletes 자연과학편 : 최대운동시 운동선수의 동정맥 산소분압 차이 ( a - vO2 ) 의 변화양상
For study of arteriovenous oxygen difference after maximal exercise, selected several kinds of healthy male athletes, which aged 20∼23 year without cardiovascular disease : four swimmers with experience between seven to ten years, five marathoners, six footballers. five baseballers. and nine college non-athletes. The arteriovenous oxygen differences were calculated using the oxygen uptake and cardiac output. Oxygen uptakes were measured by gas-autoanalyzer and cardiac output by impedance cardiography.
The results of this study were as follow:
1. Maximal oxygen uptakes of the marathoners. 60.5㎖. and the footballers, 48.3㎖. were significantly higher han that of the non-athletes. 40.7㎖. Those of the swimmer ahtletes and the bass ballers were approximately the same as that of the non-athletes.
2. Maximal cardiac outputs of the marathoners, 21.5L/min, was significantly higher than that of the non-athletes. 15.8L/min, and that of the footballers. 18.5L/min, was the second highest. Those of swim arthletes and baseballers were approximately the same as that of the non-athletes.
3. Maximal stroke volume of marathoners, 120.5㎖, was significantly higher than that of the non-athletes. 85.20㎖, and that of the footballers, 100.0L/min, was the second highest. Those of swim artheltes and baseballers were approximately the same as that of the non-athletes.
4. Arteriovenous oxygen differences were somewhat higher values in all athletes than in non-athletes before the exercise. After exercise, however, the maximum arteriovenous oxygen differences of the footaballers, 18.05㎖, and baseballers, 17.79㎖, were somewhat higher than that of the non-athletes. That of the marathoners was the highest among the all athletes at 1 minute after exercise and this value sustained until the recovery 6 minutes the same as that of the footballers.
The results above, suggested that athletes have superior cardiac pulmonary function, and both the marathoners and the footballers with endurance training have larger arteriovenous oxygen difference than another athletes after maximal exercise.
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Kinetics study of the Snatch motion in weightlifting 자연과학편 : 역도경기(力道競技)의 인상동작(引上動作)에 대한 운동력학적(運動力學的) 분석(分析)
31(1) 439-449, 1992
Kinetics study of the Snatch motion in weightlifting 자연과학편 : 역도경기(力道競技)의 인상동작(引上動作)에 대한 운동력학적(運動力學的) 분석(分析)
The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the change of the Kinetic parameters in the Snatch movements as the barbell weights generally increasing by 5 percent ranging from 85% to 100% of the maximum barbell weight for each athlete. Seven weightliftion ahtletes were selected as subjects in study.
Each of them executed snatch with barbed weights from 85% MBW to 100% MBW of the maximum snatch record and the ground reaction forces of the left and right foot were measured by using force platform. It was possible to analyze the Resultant Ground Reaction forces of the left and right foot, and to measure the peak times, and to draw the force-time curves for each % MBW, by using the Quattro-pro soft program.
The conclusions were as follows:
1. The Vertical Ground Reaction Force was showed three peak point, and magnitude of 2nd peak point greater than 1st peak point about 22%.
2. The Anterior Ground Reaction force was increased to the peak during the second pull.
3. All lefters performed with a backward jump during the Lock Out phase, and the duration of the jump was remained approximately constant as the barbell weights were generally increased by 5% MBW.
4. The Resultant values of the Latemal Ground Reaction Force was showed zero.
5. The Peak times of the Vertical Ground Reaction force were remained approximately constant as the barbell weights were generally increased, from 85% MBW to 100% MBW by 5%, MBW.
6. The 1st peak and 2nd peak values were rised steadily as barbell weight increased from 85% MBW to 95% MBW, the difference between 95% MBW and 100% MBW was not showed.
7. The peak values of the Vertical Ground Reaction Forces relative to system weight were decreased steadily as barbell weight were generally increased from 85% MBW to 100% MBW, by 5% MBW.
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Comparision of performance characteristics of elite wrestlers in Korea . CIS 자연과학편 : 한국과 독립국가연합 우수 레슬링 선수의 운동수행 특성 비교분석
윤희중IGUMENOV , 정동구HyiJungYoon , 이주운DongGuChung , 김동건JooWoonLee , 성동진DongKeonKim , 박원하DongChinSung , 장경태WonHaPak , 류지선KyungTaeJang , 이종영CiSeonRyu , Jong Young Lee , Igumenov
31(1) 451-482, 1992
Comparision of performance characteristics of elite wrestlers in Korea . CIS 자연과학편 : 한국과 독립국가연합 우수 레슬링 선수의 운동수행 특성 비교분석
윤희중IGUMENOV , 정동구HyiJungYoon , 이주운DongGuChung , 김동건JooWoonLee , 성동진DongKeonKim , 박원하DongChinSung , 장경태WonHaPak , 류지선KyungTaeJang , 이종영CiSeonRyu , Jong Young Lee , Igumenov
The purpose of this study was to compare anthropometry. physical fitness, pulmonary function, energy expenditure, social psychology, and motion analysis of korean elite wrestlers with CIS counterports.
A total of fifty elite wrestlers participated in this study.
The results were as follows;
1. There were no differences between two groups in body composition and body segment ratio.
2. There were no differences between two groups in muscle torque, muscle powere, and muscle endurance of the knee joint.
3. There were no difference between groups in maximal oxygen uptake(Vo₂ max) measurements. High Vo₂ max level of both groups of wrestlers indicate that aerobic capacity is important factor in wrestling.
4. There were no differences between two groups in anaerobic capacity. However, to increase performance capacity both groups need to invest more time and effort in developing anaerobic capacits.
5. There were no differences between two groups in lung function and energy expenditure.
6. Korean wrestlers showed higher level of competitive trait anxiety in anxious factor, while CIS wrestlers did in the rattled factor. Middle weight class wrestlers showed higher level of competitive trait anxiety in the nervous factor than light and heavy weight wrestlers.
7. Korean wrestlers showed higher level of competitive state anxiety in the uncertainty factors of cognitive dimension, while CIS wrestlers did in the pressure factors of cognitive dimension and the somatic dimension. The middle weight class wrestlers showed higher level of competitive state anxiety than light and heavy weight class wrestlers.
8. Korean wrestlers showed stronger personality characteristics in the stability and control factors, while CIS wrestlers did in the venturesome, warmhearted, and intelligent factors. The heavy weight class wrestlers showed stronger personality characteristics in the assertive factors than light and middle weight class wrestler.
9. Korean wrestlers benefit from an admission system for sports talents to the higher education institution, while CIS does not. Korean wrestlers tend to think academy and sports seperrately while CIS werstlers integrated.
10. Korean wrestlers receive monetary reward from Korean wrestling association and pesion from the government, while some of CIS wrestlers get additional salary besides social welfare allowance.
11. Both Korean and CIS wrestlers benefit from decoration system and get priority in housion distribution system for excellent performance.
l2. Total lapsed time during lime during frontal tackle was 0.9sec in Korean and 0.82sec in CIS but there was no significant difference between two groups.
13. There were no difference between two groups in lapse time and CG displacement during the frontal tackle.
14. During Ph. I . velocity of wrestlers was significantly faster than Korean wrestlers at the hip, Knee. ankle. and elbow joint but during Ph. II CIS wrestlers was significantly faster than Korean wrestlers only at the wrist joint.
15. Analysis of attacking movement of catching an opponent's thigh revealed that acceleration of CIS was significantly large at the hip, shoulder, knee, and elbow joint.
16. Analysis of attacking movement of catching an opponent's thigh revealed that angular displacement of CIS at the Knee joint was significantly faster than Korean.
l7. Analysis of attacking movement of catching an opponent's thigh revealed that angular velocity of CIS as the hip joint was significantly faster than Korean.
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The longitudinal study for the physical fitness changes of the K . M . A . cadets 자연과학편 : 육군사관학교(陸軍士官學校) 생도(生徒)들의 체력변화(體力變化)에 관한 종단적(縱斷的) 연구(硏究)
전영학YoungHakChun , 조성봉SeongBongCho , 조정호JungHoCho
31(1) 483-488, 1992
The longitudinal study for the physical fitness changes of the K . M . A . cadets 자연과학편 : 육군사관학교(陸軍士官學校) 생도(生徒)들의 체력변화(體力變化)에 관한 종단적(縱斷的) 연구(硏究)
전영학YoungHakChun , 조성봉SeongBongCho , 조정호JungHoCho
The sample of 243 K.M.A. cadets has been selected one year before the admission of the K.M.A. and has been studied for five years. One-way ANOVA and Trend Analysis have been applied to this longitudinal data set and the outcome may be subsumed as follows;
1. For 100m running, sargent-jump. the differences among groups except 4. 5year are statisitically significant(P<0.05). For the trend analysis of 100m running and sargent-jump. linear and cubic trends appeared(P<0.001).
2. For 2㎞ running. there are statistically significant differences among groups(except 3. 5year). while the trend analysis showed linear, quadratic. and cubic trends(P<0.001).
3. For pull-up, all gorups are statistically different except 1. 2year. while the trend analysis showed linear. quadratic, and cubic trends(P<0.05. P<0.001).
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A study on the measurement methods of body fat in middle and high school students 자연과학편 : 중 , 고등학생들의 체지방 측정방법 및 총지방량에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study are to analyze and compare the estimation equations on the body fat applied in the nation and the world, with the estimation equations of this study calculated body fat by the densiometry.
Also, this study was undertaken to make a estimation equations on the body fat sutable to korean middle/high school students accoding to the correlationship between body fat by the anthropometric values and body densiometry.
As a result, we are to apply estimation equations designed in this study to calculation of the body fat and lean body mass(LBM) on the Korean students.
Comparing measurement values gained by densiometry of this study with that by previous methods, there is no significant differences(P<0.05) on the BD2 and BD3 in the MSF. BD1 and BD3 in the case of MSM and BD2 in the HSF.
As a parameters related highly with the body density the ilium, knee, lateral pterygoid, subscapular ilium side, abdominal, pectonalis major and triceps appears in order of arrangement.
%Fat and LBM on the middle school student is to present in 12.60±3.93% and 41.75±4.85㎏, respectively. Also, %Fat and LBM of high school student(boy and girl) are respective 11.69±4.77%, 12.01±5.26% and 46.57±4.47㎏, 53.32±8.01㎏.
In consideration of the result on the estimations designed in this study. We think that a newly designed estimation equation can calculate exactly lean body mass.
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Biomechanical Analysis of Dwichagi in Taekwondo 자연과학편 : 태권도 뒤차기의 운동역학적 분석
31(1) 505-512, 1992
Biomechanical Analysis of Dwichagi in Taekwondo 자연과학편 : 태권도 뒤차기의 운동역학적 분석
The basic kicking skills in Taekwondo can be classified in to the Swing kick and the Thrust kick. I obtained the following result through the mechanical analysis of the Back kicking motion which belong to the Thrust kick.
1) The movement pattern of the upper part of the body is the Throwlike motion. Each segment rotates in a row in order to rotate the last segment at a maximum speed.
2) The movement pattern in the lower part of the body is the Pushlike motion. The segment rotate simultaneously in order to improve the accurateness and the power of the leg which is the motion.
3) Therefore the Back kicking motion in Taekwondo can be defined by the Throw-Push continum which Pushlike patterns.
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A Study on the Factorial Structures of Physiological Characteristics in Ballet Dancers 자연과학편 : 발레연기자의 생리적 특성 분석
31(1) 513-523, 1992
A Study on the Factorial Structures of Physiological Characteristics in Ballet Dancers 자연과학편 : 발레연기자의 생리적 특성 분석
The objective of this study was to evaluate physiological characteristics and the physical fitness structures of ballet dancers. This study was to select physical fitness factor which could best descriptive the physiological characteristics. The physical fitness battery included health-related, motor related physical fitness factors. Health-related physical fitness factor is body composition(skinfold sickness test). muscular strength(back muscle strength), muscular endurance(sit-up), cardiovascular endurance(Vo₂max), flexibility(sit and reach test). Motor-related physical fitness factor is power(Sargent jump), agility(side step test).
A total 62 ballet dancer are subject to the physical fitness test. The raw scores have been analysis with iteration(PA2). All derived solutions are not only orthogonally rotated the varimax criterion. SPSS were used for data analysis. Conclusions which are derived from this study include the following
1. The results showed two significant factors of physical fitness structure in relation to ballet performance: muscular strength(endurance) and explosive power.
2. The results showed that health-related physical fitness factors(cardiovascular endurance) was significant relation to another fitness components.
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Family roles in Socialization Process into the Role of Athletes : An Explarotory path analysis 자연과학편 : 운동선수의 역할 학습 과정에 있어서 가족의 역할에 대한 경로분석적 연구
31(1) 525-533, 1992
Family roles in Socialization Process into the Role of Athletes : An Explarotory path analysis 자연과학편 : 운동선수의 역할 학습 과정에 있어서 가족의 역할에 대한 경로분석적 연구
The purposes of this study were to examine family roles in socialization process into the role of athletes.
Data collected from a questionnaire designed for this study consist of fixed alternative choice response to rem constructed to represent the operational difinition for each variable. The invertory was administered to six hundred and seventy-eight athletes and non-athletes.
Statistics employed the study to data analysis were Pearson's product-momentum correlation analysis. multiple regression analysis. and path analysis
Based upon the result of the study. the following conclusions appear warrented :
1. Degree of encouragement to sport involvent of family members such as father, mother, and siblings have cireet relationship with socialization into role among both male and female atheletes.
2. Degree of intersest in sport involvement of family members such as father. mother and sibings influence indirectly socialization into role, through causal relationship with their encouragement among both male and female atheletes.
3. Occupational prestige and subjective social class do not influence role socialization among male athletes. while. subjective social class among female athletes have a indirect influence on role socialization.
Key Words
Effect of Exercise on Myoglobin Concentration , Enzyme Activities and Fibers of Skeletal Muscle in RAT 자연과학편 : 운동(運動)이 골격근(骨格筋)의 마이오글로빈 , 효소활성(酵素活性) 및 근섬유(筋纖維)에 미치는 영향(影響)
31(1) 535-544, 1992
Effect of Exercise on Myoglobin Concentration , Enzyme Activities and Fibers of Skeletal Muscle in RAT 자연과학편 : 운동(運動)이 골격근(骨格筋)의 마이오글로빈 , 효소활성(酵素活性) 및 근섬유(筋纖維)에 미치는 영향(影響)